Best Food for Dogs With Allergies

Best Food for Dogs With Allergies

Did you know that dogs can also develop allergies over time just as you or I might? Today, our Rochester vets share some of the common signs that a dog has allergies and what the best food is for dogs experiencing allergies.

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Is Your Cat Overweight? Signs, Symptoms & What to Do

Is Your Cat Overweight? Signs, Symptoms & What to Do

Did you know that even the smallest amount of extra weight can begin to cause issues for your sweet little kitty? Here, our Rochester vets share some information about the dangers of extra weight as well as an easy-to-follow overweight cat chart.

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Why is My Dog Constipated & What to Do About Constipation

Why is My Dog Constipated & What to Do About Constipation

Just like people, dogs' bowels can become 'backed up'. If you are unable to get them moving again this can quickly become a veterinary emergency. Our Rochester vets talk about constipation in dogs, the signs to watch for and when you should bring them to the nearest emergency vet for treatment.

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How Often Do You Take a Cat to the Vet?

How Often Do You Take a Cat to the Vet?

There are many benefits to vet visits, even when your cat seems perfectly healthy. At these checkups, the vet can perform exams and administer much-needed vaccines. Today, our Rochester vets discuss how often you should take your cat to the vet and what will happen during their appointment.

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Dog Tooth Extraction: What to expect

Dog Tooth Extraction: What to expect

Dogs may occasionally experience dental concerns due to decay and damage, which can result in teeth needing to be removed. Here, our Rochester vets talk about dog tooth extractions and what to expect when one is needed.

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Dog Breathing Fast

Dog Breathing Fast

When your dog is panting it may not cause any concern, unless, of course, they weren't active before they started breathing heavily. Today, our Rochester vets talk about the causes of fast breathing in dogs, the signs to watch for and when you should reach out to your vet.

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How often should dogs get their teeth cleaned?

How often should dogs get their teeth cleaned?

The health of your dog's teeth affects their overall health as well as the comfort that they feel on a daily basis. Today, our Rochester vets discuss the importance of dental care and how often you should be cleaning your dog's teeth.

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Osteoarthritis in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Osteoarthritis in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Roughly a quarter of all dogs will experience the degenerative joint condition known as osteoarthritis at some point in their life. While it is not curable, this condition can be managed. Here, our vets in Rochester share the causes, symptoms and treatment options for osteoarthritis in dogs.

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Tick Borne Diseases in Dogs

Tick Borne Diseases in Dogs

All across the U.S. there is a danger of ticks. You should always check yourself and your pets as soon as you come in from a walk and be sure to administer preventive medicine to protect your dog. Here, our Rochester vets share some information about ticks and the different types of tick borne diseases they can spread to dogs.

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Vomiting in Dogs

Vomiting in Dogs

When your dog begins to vomit it can be very concerning and there can be many different reasons why it happens. Today, our Rochester vets discuss the causes of vomiting in dogs, what you can do to treat it and when you should seek veterinary care.

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